NTS has a v. cool series called IN FOCUS which does what you expect on all sorts of different bands and musicians. Everything from indie pop – Sarah Records – to Mad Professor to Françoise Hardy to John Cage, and for some reason, George Michael.
Category: microblog
I’m extremely excited about this coming weekend’s Warp Records 30th Anniversary event aka WXAXRXP – 100 hours of radio on NTS. The iMac at home will be busy recording the stream!
The year is 2019. A new Jim Jarmusch film, a zombie caper, plays at the mall cineplex. Peter Murphy just announced a 9 night residency at a club in New York. The first night he will play his entire album “Should The World Fail to Fall Apart”. Donald Trump is president.
This long article about Madonna is an interesting read – good match of writer to subject. 📰
Here’s a fun interview – Ruth Reichl talks about her career, disguises, the Le Cirque review and her time at Gourmet – watch here.
Meant to post this earlier – here’s the interview of Stanley Nelson from Amanpour & Company earlier this week. Watch here
Also: an interview with documentary filmmaker Stanley Nelson is running on Amanpour today. @firelightmedia has been dropping some great projects – “BOSS”, about the history of African Americans in business, just aired on PBS and “MILES” looks great as well.
Here’s a link for the NewsHour Weekend segment on Joe Jackson I helped cut, produced by @okapifilm. I had no idea the breadth of Jackson’s compositional range, and his voice has held up amazingly well.
Joe Jackson – Can’t Stop the Invisible Man
Here’s the link for the Wynton Marsalis interview which aired last night: https://www.pbs.org/video/wynton-marsalis-onbuddy-bolden-original-inventor-jazz-ujc5go/