
Also: an interview with documentary filmmaker Stanley Nelson is running on Amanpour today. @firelightmedia has been dropping some great projects – “BOSS”, about the history of African Americans in business, just aired on PBS and “MILES” looks great as well.

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Tonight, an interview I edited – Wynton Marsalis interviewed by Walter Isaacson – is airing on Amanpour & Co, on your PBS station. I’ll have a link tomorrow, but it’s a fun, interesting chat. I won’t post every interview but I do have a couple good ones right out of the gate.

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Also, barring (ha) unforseen circumstances, a segment I helped with about music lifer Joe Jackson will air on NewsHour Weekend on Sunday night. The songs were stuck in my head for a week but it was worth it.

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Wynton Marsalis interview!

Tonight, an interview I edited – Wynton Marsalis interviewed by Walter Isaacson – is airing on Amanpour & Co, on your PBS station. I’ll have a link tomorrow, but it’s a fun, interesting chat. I won’t post every interview but I do have a couple good ones right out of the gate.

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I’m helping on a project that examines the history of voter suppression, so I called my task list ‘Voter Suppression’. Every time I check something off, I feel like an evil superPAC employee.

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The Secret History of Air Force One

This is part of a show I edited for the History Channel, to air on President’s Day 2019. We had to work very quickly on this one; this act was almost completely done in about 4 days. This isn’t the “final” version but it’s very close.

The first part of the act tells the story of John Kennedy’s involvement in rebranding Air Force One. Kennedy helped define the colors and visual treatment still in use for the plane today. That “look” generates a significant part of the plane’s iconic appeal.

I’d never told the story of the Kennedy assassination before, so it was interesting to get to look through the footage we had for it. This segment turned out well in no small part because the man who is our eyes on the event, Sid Davis, was a remarkable observer in the midst of a tragic event with historic consequences.